size 6 x 9 inch, 300 dpi
260.00 $

Purchase info
Every cover purchase includes:
original image without text
ebook cover
paperback cover
free 3D Mockups (ebook and paperback) as a BONUS.
Please provide the upon the purchase:
book title
pen name
tag-line or additional text (if any)
For the print (if the book is finished):
book format
final page count
If no information is provided in 24 hours, I will assume you would like the base image only to add your own text later.
The cover that is sold to you will be removed upon purchase.
My goal is for you to be completely satisfied with the cover you have purchased.
If you can credit me as a cover artist, it would be much appreciated.
Cover Design: Adrijana Cernic
By purchasing covers on this website or otherwise using our Services, you are agreeing to all of the following Terms and Conditions
*Please read also the Q&A and the Terms of Service
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Contact me for other payment options.
If you have any questions or wish to order a custom cover contact me: